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Curious about me?

In terms of the Chinese Zodiac, I was born in the year of the monkey. For this very reason, I remember greeting strangers with "Hi, I'm a monkey!" when I was still innocent enough to do so.
My name is Jeslyn and am currently studying in Singapore. I enjoy the process of being a student and swallowing knowledge into the library in my mind. However, if you are starting to craft an image of a nerdy bespectacled teenager in your mind, let me stop you here.
Indeed, I am passionate about studying, but I also weave music into my daily life, visit the sports hall for my favourite volleyball training, hang out  with friends at nearby mamak stalls, will never be able to resist the temptation that a savoury bowl of laksa or tomyam noodles brings, enjoy whispered gossip nights as much as lively party noises, and the list goes on. 
Above all, I adore reading.
When I was young, my parents would take turns, reading to me stories of knights and princesses, witches and wizards, peace and war, life and death. The habit of reading stuck and blossomed. Then, I discovered writing.
When I realised that I too could string words together to form sentences and patch sentences together to form stories, I was awestruck. I began letting my thoughts, emotions and beliefs flow out of my pen onto pieces of paper. 
My writing journey officially got on track when I joined Malaysia's local newspaper, The Star, as a young journalist for the NiE pullout. Joining the Young Journalist programme has ignited a spark in me to bring my work to a higher level and has propelled me to challenge my limits in writing. 
So, here I am now.
In this blog, you will be able to find debatable articles, reflective poems and stories, both true and fictitious.    
Take your time to explore the blog and feel free to comment or reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project.
Remember, keep your friends close, but your favourite book closer!

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